When CDs Become More Expensive (Sustainable Merch)

I got an email a couple weeks ago. Some said they bought Selcouth on my Kickstarter two years ago. They said they could’ve bought Selcouth cheaper if they had waited.


That email haunts me. It raises a lot of interesting questions about value. I guess I’m haunted because it makes me question my own worth as a musician and creator.

Years ago, I released A Tribute to Love. I sold it for more than most of my CDs. It was $20. I only wanted to sell it to people who REALLY wanted it. I also felt it was worth the emotional energy that went into it. It was my horcrux.

Now I’m working on my next Kickstarter. It’s called Come Adventure With Me. I’m trying to decide how to price the CDs and pins. My mind is flooded with thoughts and arguments… and that haunting email.

I know how much I want to charge. I know how much I usually charge. But I also feel like I should make important changes.


You see, I’m very concerned about the environment. Our government is doing little to fight climate change. All while allowing an attack not the civil rights of women. I’m afraid we’re not even gonna have a planet left if we don’t take action.

That’s why I joined the thecarbonalmanac.org. Their message is “It’s not too late”.

We CAN still make a difference. But we have to turn it from a ME problem to a WE problem.

So first, let me suggest that you check the Almanac. Because we are stewards of our planet. It’s not too late. If we work on this together, we can effect change.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to make my business more sustainable. I need to sell merch to make a living. But is it good for the environment. What can I do?

I plan to sell CDs. Enough fans have said that they still want them.

BUT usually when I order CDs, each is individually wrapped in plastic. It looks professional. But that plastic is not recyclable. It goes straight to the trash once it’s opened.

What a waste! I can’t keep doing that.

Sure, I have a few thousand CDs that are already packaged. That’s a sunk cost. But it’s not too late to make a change to help our environment. It’s time to make sustainable merch.


I want a business that is good for the environment. So here’s my next test to make a change.

I’m gonna start by removing album jackets from plastic.

This will lead to more “breakage”. Paper jackets won’t survive the weather as well. But it will be better for the environment.

I won’t be able to order short, short runs of CDs.

One of the downsides to not ordering the short runs is that I can’t print CDs that don’t sell well.

Unless… I hand-design CD jackets.

I’ve done it in the past. It is a lot of extra work. But I think that might be the future of my CDs.

In fact, I just marked up my next CD on the Kickstarter. I’m gonna raise the price of CDs for the future to account for the extra work.

This is just a start. I’m considering branded water bottles and travel silverware.

I’m also considering a recycling old merch for new projects. And I’m keeping my eyes open for new ideas.


Climate Change is a real thing that is influenced by human activity. I don’t want a world like we see in Blade Runner. But that’s the direction we are moving. It’s time to make some serious changes. And these changes are not gonna make everyone happy.

But it’s far more important to me that my children actually have a world we can live in in the future than a few minor inconveniences right now.

It also makes me realize that there are more important things than worrying about selling $20 or even $30 piece of musical entertainment. I can devalue my artistry. Or I can accept that times change and fight to protect our environment.

The new Kickstarter will release at the start of August.

Thank you for your continued support.

What kind of changes are you making in your life?