Become a Patron of the Arts by Hosting a House Concert

by Jamie Haeuser Jamie Haeuser is my booking agent and has been kind enough to host many house concerts over the years for me. The shows are always well-attended and are brilliant examples of what a good house concert can be. When I asked her to write about her experiences, she came up with following […]

Marc Weeklies: I-Con Fairy Tales

I’m just back from a great weekend in New York at I-Con. I confess I was a little blown away that people knew me. I’ve played that convention with Brobdingnagian Bards for, what, seven years now, but I never really realized that people knew ME individually. It was a bit of an eye-opening experience to […]

Free MP3 – Buttercup’s Lament (Princess Bride)

Who doesn’t love The Princess Bride? I sure do. I wrote this song in December 2000. It began with the idea of a woman who’s True Love was lost at sea. But as the story developed, it reminded me of Buttercup’s “True Love”–Wesley–in the cult classic. So I named it after her. It’s a sad, […]