Marc Gunn T-Shirts on Clearance

They were fun while they lasted, but I have two t-shirt designs that I am discontinuing. To that end, you can buy these shirts for nearly 50% off the list price. They are limited edition shirts. So grab one while it lasts and show your Celtic colours! T-Shirt – “Corseted For His Pleasure” (Black) Black […]

Pub Songs #81: Celtic Music Artists to Keep An Eye On

Every media person has their pick of artists to keep an eye on. So I decided to make mine. This show features some of the hottest newish Celtic music artists who I think will do great things one day for a variety of reasons. So watch their careers with me. Notes: Donate to Support Kenzie. […]

This Is A Top Celtic Culture Blog!

I just got an email notifying me that my website was picked as one of the The Top 30 Celtic Culture Blogs online. That’s brilliant, especially considering the list. There are a lot of great Celtic bloggers that I follow as well.  I commend them for a great list. Now if I can only get […]

St. Patrick’s Day Podcast #6 – One Month to St. Patrick’s Day

Music from  Marc Gunn, Ed Miller, The Rogues, Serious Kitchen, Stout Pounder, Redhill Rats, TJ Hull and Jeff Ksiazek, Trinity River Whalers, The Bringers, John McCormack & Frank Patterson, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Appalachian Celtic Consort, Aisling, Poitin, Don Grieve, Terry Griffith. Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel the world with your podcast host, […]