#60 – Celtic Christmas Music Special

Celtic Christmas music from Banshee in the Kitchen, Jed Marum, Celtic Stone and Friends, Craig of Farrington, Alison Brown, Samantha Gillogly, Marc Gunn, Wicked Tinkers, Seamus Kennedy, Eileen Ivers, NeidFyre, Steve & Ruth Smith, Coyote Run, Angus Mohr & Friends. www.celticmusicpodcast.com/60 Brought to you by Song Henge, the online archive of free and legal Celtic music […]

Marc Weeklies: Happy Holiday!

Yay! I finally found my new home in the Lower Garden District of New Orleans. It’s a lovely one bedroom. That means once I get back from Christmas vacation, I can get back to the routine of work, recording, and finding gigs for next year. I’m way behind. But at least I have a cool […]

Can You Believe There Was Snow in Louisiana?

Neither could I. But I awoke at 6am yesterday morning with a phone call saying it was snowing here in Robert, Louisiana. I threw on some clothing, pushed open my door and wow! Snow was falling from the sky. I grabbed my coat and went inside the main house where the last remnants of the […]

Marc Weeklies: Celtic Christmas Season Begins

The sun set over the lake at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival, and the fireworks kicked off on Sunday marking the end to another season of faire. I was sad. It was such a fantastic season. I didn’t want it to end. But that is the way of faire, isn’t it? It comes and goes until […]

Imagining a World Unable to Play Music

I spent much of today working on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. It was a slow process because of my wrist problem. The pain that started in October and has persisted on and off since then was really bad the past couple days. So today I laid off the computer as much as possible […]

Marc Weeklies: A Toast to Opportunity

Just one more week of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. I’m not ready for it to end. I’ve had such a wonderful season here. However, I am kinda ready to find my new home and settle in it so I can start recording again. Plus, I want a good place to work so I don’t continue […]

St. Andrew’s Day

St Andrew’s Day Saint Andrew was one of the original disciples of Jesus, the brother of Simon Peter and said to have been a fisherman by trade. According to the Gospel of John he was originally a follower of St.John the Baptist until he was called to follow Jesus. After the crucifixion, Andrew traveled widely […]