Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast #66: Clawing Up from Obscurity

Brobdingnagian Bards Podcast #66: Clawing Up from Obscurity

What does it take to go from a no name band to a “legend”? You probably won’t find out in this episode. But you will hear about the Bards new CD, catch up on how Dragon Con and Gen Con went. Learn about Andrew’s promise to release two new CDs before the end of the […]

Multiverse Con 2021

Multiverse Con 2021

I’m debuting at Multiverse Fandom Convention on October 15-17, 2021. The event takes place here in Atlanta, Georgia. Multiverse 2021: October 15-17, 2021 Westin Atlanta Perimeter North 7 Concourse Pkwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30328 SHOW TIMES Friday October 15, 2021 8:30-9:30 PM: Performance: Marc Gunn GATHER (Bernstein II) 10:00-11:00 PM: Cocktails & Confessions GEEK: Fantasy […]

Marc’s Musings: Facebook Is Down… Thanks!

Marc’s Musings: Facebook Is Down… Thanks!

Facebook went down today. As of this writing, it’s still not back up. So let me start by saying, THANK YOU for subscribing to my mailing list, reading my blog, and listening to my podcasts! I learned the hard way that you can’t count on third-party systems for your business. My first Renaissance faire closed […]

Celtfather Monthly: One Way to Fix the Death of CDs Problem, September 2021

Celtfather Monthly: One Way to Fix the Death of CDs Problem, September 2021

Greetings Gunn Runner Did we just solve the death of CD problem? Songwriting podcast returns for second season. Convention successes. Selcouth nears completion. It’s all on my monthly update, Celtfather Music & Travel, show #285. The podcast is brought to you by my amazing Patrons in the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. I have some […]

Postcard: Cloghden More

Postcard: Cloghden More

It was just some rubble. A thousand year old rubble. How incredible that people could and would build such things. No wonder I was inspired to write an Irish tune from the remains of this spellbinding passage tomb.

Hobbit Drinking Songs Tomorrow Night!

Hobbit Drinking Songs Tomorrow Night!

Happy Hobbit Day! Today is September 22. That’s the day of Bilbo Baggins’ big birthday bash (I’m not abashed to say it). I’m celebrating by preparing for tomorrow’s internet concert–Hobbit Drinking Songs. I sometimes wonder if I should do this show more frequently than once a year, around Hobbit Day. But right now, that’s it. […]

What a Great Dragon Con 2021!

Dragon Con is an interesting creature. I’ve performed their for 19 years. It’s huge. It’s overwhelming. And I absolutely love it. But this year, I was concerned. It’s a pandemic year. The Delta variant of Covid-19 is still on the rise. Far too many people are still unvaccinated. As crazy as it sounds, many people […]

Celtfather Monthly: Firefly Drinking Songs, The TV Show (August 2021)

Could a Firefly Drinking Songs TV show be on its way? What’s different with Coffee with The Celtfather. How close am I to completing my next CD? It’s all on my monthly update, Celtfather Music & Travel, show #284. 0:13 – SHOWS PLANNED FOR JULY SEP 2-6: Dragon Con, Atlanta, GA SEP 9: Virginia Highlands Farmer’s […]