Shane MacGowan – One Of A Kind

Shane MacGowan – One Of A Kind

There have been famous musicians, talented songwriters, and charismatic performers over the years, but precious few are truly icons that blazed their own trail—and there is certainly no one that has been quite like Shane MacGowan. The recent loss of this larger-than-life figure has reverberated through many different communities, as he was truly a once […]

Nerdy Wonderland Was a Resounding Success!

Nerdy Wonderland was a resounding success for our vendors. Over 400 people showed up to our event. They shopped. The drank beer. The laughed and talked. They sang along with my songs. It was wonderful.   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Marc Gunn (@celtfather) The vendors all raved about the […]

Chasing Hits

I’m listening to the “Happy Together” by the Turtles episode of History of Rock Music in 500 songs. The Turtles, like many bands over the decades, had chart topping hits. They couldn’t maintain those hit songs forever though. So they spent quite a bit of time chasing hits, trying to find the next song that […]

Celtfather Monthly December 2023

Hard to believe we are nearly at the end of the year. I’m not quite ready for the holidays. But at least I can go forward knowing that my next album I’m making with Sam Gillogly was fully funded. DANCING WITH HOBBITS FULLY FUNDED Dancing With Hobbits hit its goal a few days before the […]

Coffee Postponed A Week / Kickstarter Now Going

Good morning! How’s it going? I’m doing pretty well. My cough is getting better though Gwen and Inara both seem to have a bug. I’m hoping it’s the same one I HAD and not one they picked from one of Inara’s friends. Ugh. That’d suck. The kids are home again today. It’s voting day. But […]

Celtfather Monthly: November 2023

Celtfather Monthly: November 2023

October was a good month. Aside from the cool weather, I had some great shows. I successfully planned the launch of the Celtic Christmas Music podcast. I had a really successful sale. I created a broadsheet to share lyrics and news with patrons. I started planning the Nerdy Wonderland event in December. I released a […]

In the ‘Verse #2.7: Redemption | The Mandalorian

In the ‘Verse #2.7: Redemption | The Mandalorian

It’s just you and us against the galaxy as my Mikey Mason shares his song ” A Clan of Two”. Marc Gunn shares a new Stormtrooper drinking song to sing as you watch The Mandaloria episode “Redemption” and joke about the many ways Stormtroopers get killed in Star Wars. It’s all on In the ‘Verse […]