Celtic Music Magazine: Mist Covered Mountains

Céad Míle Fáilte, It is Todd once again. In this week’s episode we have a new episode of our very own Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. The other podcasts featured are Travelling in Ireland & Copperplate Time. The articles include ones about Vladimir Jablokov, an old nuclear power plant being repurposed in Scotland, the good […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Black Tower

Céad Míle Fáilte, It is Todd once again. In this week’s issue we have a new episode of our own Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. We have also included episodes of Erin’s Isle & Mostly Folk. The articles we highlight include ones about Phil Coulter, a new documentary about searching for the Loch Ness monster […]

Celtic Music Magazine: IrishFest Atanta

Céad Míle Fáilte, This is Todd once again. In today’s issue we have a new episode of our own Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. We have also included new episodes of Celtic Source and Celt in a Twist. The articles we highlight include ones about a funding pot being set up for LGBT+ organizations in […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Foxhunter Dance a Jig

Céad Míle Fáilte, In today’s issue we have a new episode of our own Iriah & Celtic Music Podcast. We have also included information on new episodes of Pubsongs and Stories, The Celtic History Podcast, and Celt in a Twist.  The articles we highlight are about a listening party for the album The Secret World […]