Storyteller Songs of Scotland

Storyteller Songs of Scotland

Ed Miller as a new CD. I am over the moon in excitement. I’m trying to figure out what it is about Ed’s music that I love so much. Certainly he has a fantastic voice. He has a great marketing angle and brand – songs of Scotland, new and old. I think the main reason […]

What a Hero Truly Is

What a Hero Truly Is

Christopher Reeves’ portrayal of Superman showed me what a hero truly is. It’s about strength, through kindness. This is a quality I try to lovingly embrace, as both a father and a person. Kindness. Tonight, I stepped into my phone booth. I donned my tights and became Superman. I escorted Supergirl and Wonder Woman from […]

So Confident…with a Band

So Confident…with a Band

I wonder why am so confident playing one set with Kilted Kings but not when I’m playing solo? Great live show can make a musician. We will sell more CDs, get more tips, and grow and more passionate fan base when we put on an awesome concert. I feel like Kilted Kings nailed it at […]

I Chose the Autoharp Because…

I Chose the Autoharp Because…

I chose the autoharp because it made songwriting easier. Once again, I get to share my songs with the California Autoharp Gathering. It was 1997. My last rock band broke up. I had a guitarist who was writing MUCH better songs than I was. It was time for a change. I borrowed an autoharp from […]

No Ren Faire Gets It Right

No Ren Faire Gets It Right

No Ren Faire gets it right. At least none that I’ve been to. . I’ve performed at maybe a couple dozen Renaissance festivals over the years. I have yet to find one that had a decent music stage. I’m not sure why. But the Mid-South Renaissance Faire did. . I’m still trying to wrap my […]

Good Rockin’ Set of Tunes

Good Rockin’ Set of Tunes

There’s nothing like a good rockin’ set of tunes! . The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast is packed full of amazing songs (vocal in the Celtic tradition). Most bands focus on the vocals. So whenever I hear an amazing set of tunes (instrumental), I get excited. . It’s why I love bands like The Gothard […]

Marketing Is Easy, Selling… Not So Much

Marketing Is Easy, Selling… Not So Much

Marketing is easy for me. Selling is not. I don’t like to sell. Yes, I have full faith in the quality of my music. I even “market” most of 23 albums with a theme. That makes them easier to sell. Like Firefly? Get these CDs and songbook. Drinking songs? Do you want Irish or Sci […]

Troll Friends

Troll Friends

I never imagined I’d have troll friends. But I guess it’s better than having friends troll me. I’m so impressed with these two. They have a YouTube show, coloring books, partnerships with local swamps (seriously) and are writing their own books as well. Look ‘em up. Smart trolls!

Refusing to Change

Refusing to Change

Sears is filing for bankruptcy and I don’t care. In fact, I’m a little angry. It reminds me of Toys R Us. These are companies, corporations, that grew so big they refused to innovate. They refuse to change with the times. I’m nostalgic for the past like everyone, but I am also a realist. Times […]