I know. I know. I said it was done. After listening to a few bits o’feedback, I realized I made a mistake in my mastering, and I think I figured out how to fix it. So, no. The album is not Yet finished. With DragonCon coming this weekend, and me behind on a ton of […]
Category Archives: News
The latest news, information, and Weeklies about Marc Gunn.
Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits Is Done!
The new CD is DONE!!!! YAY! Party time! I emailed it out to my top sponsor–Guardians of the Shire, Bilbo’s Bestest Friends, and Mayors of the Shire. I hope to send the album to the printers tomorrow. Meantime, the CD release date is moved. You can tell folks to buy a copy in October. I’ll […]
Guardians, Bilbo’s Bestest Friends and Mayors Watch Your Inbox
The album is SOOOOO close to being done. I am listening to it one more time today to make any final time to see if there are any final changes. I think it is done. You fine hobbit lovers will hear it first. Thank you for your generous contributions. Everyone else who pre-ordered the album. […]
What are your favorite Sci Fi movies with Celtic music?
I want to compile a wee article on Sci Fi Celtic music. I thought I’d start by asking this question. What are you favorite Sci Fi movies?
Special Thanks to My Musical Collaborators
I’m still listening to Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits to see what else needs fixing before I send it off the printers. In the meantime, I want to thank everyone who recorded music for this album. Drop by and visit some of the websites below. Samantha Gillogly contributed fiddle to the album. She played on […]
DragonCon Filk Track Schedule
The entire schedule for the DragonCon Filk track is now posted online. You can check it out on their website. This is what is currently listed. Time Title Room Length FRIDAY, September 2, 2011 1:30pm ET Early meet and greet Other Baker (Hyatt – 138) 1 hour 2:30pm ET Panel discussion: What is Filk? Other […]
TheOneRing.net’s Journey to DragonCon
Don’t you hate it when there’s a cool opportunity that you’d love to do, but can’t? TheOneRing.net is traveling from LA to Atlanta, Georgia for DragonCon. They’re looking for sponsors for the trip as they drive across the country. I would love to sponsor them and promote my Don’t Go Drinking With Hobbits CD. Alas, […]
Twelve Days of DragonCon
The DragonCon Filk Track is posting the Twelve Days of DragonCon with YouTube videos from filk artists performing at the convention. Check out the videos on the website. Right now, I’m listed on Day 3 with my song “Won’t You Come With Me?”.
Filkers Wanted for DragonCon Filk Track Showcase
Bring on your Fannish Music! The Dragon*Con Filk track is excited to announce its first Performers Showcase on Saturday, from 5:30PM until 7:00 PM in the Hyatt International South! Fannish musical performers of all kinds (keep it PG please) are welcome to sign up in advance in the Filk Room starting Friday at the Early […]
Marc Gunn’s DragonCon 2011 Schedule Updated
I have almost all of my shows now listed on my DragonCon page. Wow! What a busy weekend I’m gonna have. I’ll be playing music almost non-stop from 10am until late that night. In fact, I’m so busy that I am scheduling specific times that I will be at my table signing autographs and interacting […]