Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #85

Music from Round the House, Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer, Gerard Smith, Blackwater, David Nigel Lloyd, Wicked Tinkers, Liam Griffin, Spriggan, Poitin, Bill Grogan’s Goat, Deep Green Light, The Blarney Rebel Band, The Sandcarvers, Merry Wives Of Windsor. Sponsor: My Irish Jeweler Forty years of Irish Jewelry Specializing in Celtic Wedding Rings and Celtic […]

Closing the Celtic Folk Club

I logged onto the Celtic Folk Club a couple days ago to see if anything new was posted. There, I saw a message from Ning, who hosts my forum. They announced new pricing structure that goes into effect in July. Unfortunately, it’s way more than I’m currently paying for this service and far out of […]

Lancer Autoharp For Sale

I think I first picked up this Lancer Autoharp in 2000, my second year performing at Excalibur Fantasy Faire. As I walked around the festival, a vendor approached me and said he had a Lancer Autoharp. At the time, I had only heard of this instrument from The Autoharp Book by Becky Blackley. The instrument […]

#84: Irish Celtic Music of the Sea

Music from Castlebay, Hank Cramer, Anne Roos, 3 Pints Gone, Wicked Tinkers, Aisling, Empty Hats, New Minstrel Revue, Rising Gael, Brigand’s Folie, Rambling Sailors, Merry Wives Of Windsor, Bad Haggis, Ockham’s Razor,y Barleyjuice, Enter the Haggis, Holly Kirby. Sponsor: My Irish Jeweler Specialists in Celtic Wedding Rings, Engagement Rings and Claddagh Jewelry. Simply beautiful […]

Get Involved in Your Celtic Community

One of the first things I did when I wanted to better understand the Austin Celtic musical community was to join the Austin Celtic Association. I joined the board and we made great things happen. It was an amazing time for me. I learned a lot about the many different Celtic cultures. If you too […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #82

Music from Maidens IV, The Gothard Sisters, Dark Patrick, Iona, David Nigel Lloyd, Marc Gunn, Holly Kirby, Birch Creek, Two Men in Skirts, Fergus, The Brazen Heads, Burning Bridget Cleary, Brendan O’Loughlin, and Battlelegs. Today’s show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel to the world with your podcast host, Marc Gunn, […]

NEW CD – You Can Sponsor Kilted For Her Pleasure

Hello. I’m Marc. I’m a music recording-aholic. In January, I released The Bridge. For me, that is probably the best album I’ve ever done. It features so many great songs that I’ve written and some of my favorite traditional Celtic songs as well. And “Peggy Gordon”… Ahhh! I still think that is the best performance […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #81

Music from Luke Daniels, Cady Finlayson & Vita Tanga, The Malarkeys, Stout Pounders, Battlelegs, The Gothard Sisters, Daphne Quigley-Freund & Tom Bradfish, David Nigel Lloyd, Dust Rhinos, Sky, Green Tea, Anois, Albannach. Today’s show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel to Ireland this summer July 19-26 with Marc Gunn, The Godfather of […]