Irish Cat Synchronicity

I went to the acupuncturist today to help me fight off a sinus infection I feel is trying to make headway in me. While being filled with needles, I realized a couple of synchronistic things about my life. My Celtic heritage: I was born March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. I belong to the Scottish Clan […]

New Cat CD Single

Looks like my single is now available on CD Baby–The Gift Of Cat Love. It features three songs from the upcoming CD, Whiskers in the Jar: Irish Songs for Cat Lovers.

Featured on Eye of the Storm

A little late remembering to mention it, but on March 16th, I was featured on Eye of the Storm in Boston, WBNW 1120AM radio. I was invited to talk about my Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers CD as well as other fun Celtic music projects of mine.

Recent Podcasts Featuring Marc Gunn

Here are the most-recent podcasts my music was played in: Aspire, Astral Audio Experience, Average Joe Radio, Cross and Canvas, DALECAST, DigiVegas Indie Podcast, Far From the Pulse, Guy In A Tie, KidsCast UK/ KidsCastSCiFi, Mat – on- NutCast, Mischief and Mayhem, My Pocket Player – Mój odtwarzacz, Open Mike Insert Foot, Podcast Ping, poltercast, […]

St. Patrick’s Day Updates

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was once again the #1 Music Podcast on iTunes. Victims of Irish Music climbed to #13 of the Top-Selling World Music albums on iTunes. Most popular searches on my website: The Leprechaun, A St. Patrick’s Day Poem, Funny Irish drinking songs, Celtic Music Sites with Free Music Downloads, Irish […]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

What an interesting weekend. I got sick on Friday. So spent much of the weekend coughing, and canceled many of my plans over the weekend. Doing better, so far, today. Though have an appointment for the Oriental Medicine Student Clinic on Weds. Just hope that singing tonight won’t be a problem. We’ll hope. Nevertheless, I […]