Celtfather #283: Busking Showmanship

A new single with the Brobdingnagian Bards and a Bards EP. Last chance to get my Firefly CD on vinyl. A short, new Kickstarter coming? Coffee with The Celtfather returns for its 9th season. Do you really have to put on a show to draw a crowd? It’s all on my monthly update, Celtfather Music […]

By Amazing Grace, Bards Collaboration

By Amazing Grace, Bards Collaboration

A new single is released tomorrow. It’s called “By Amazing Grace“. This is a Brobdingnagian Bards collaboration with my friend and long-time bandmate, Andrew McKee, The Irish Bard. “By Amazing Grace” was written for the In the ‘Verse podcast I made with Mikey Mason. We watched episodes of Firefly. Then we each wrote a brand […]

Busking at Two Atlanta Farmer’s Markets

Busking at Two Atlanta Farmer’s Markets

I have a busking gig today. I’m at Virginia Highlands Farmer’s Market today from 4-7 PM. I have my PA. I have my tip basket. I also have my new portable merch table setup. The new merch table has only a small handful of my CDs. I will have just five titles: The Bridge, What […]

Celtic Music Magazine: Hats off to Beer

Celtic Music Magazine: Hats off to Beer

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. The Flying Toads, Wicked Tinkers, Emma Langford, Doolin’, Ed Miller, Jim Nelson, The Black Velvet Band, Tim Hill, Seamus Kennedy, Flashpoint, Mazz O’Flaherty, The Borrowed Angels, Bang On The Ear, Duncan McLauchlan, Sprag Session, The Langer’s Ball, Two O’Clock Courage Listen to Hats off to […]

Celtfather Monthly: Alternate Look at Live Performances (June 2021)

Greetings Gunn Runner How was the first science fiction convention back? Podcasting during a summer with kids. New songs finished. Plus, an alternate look at live performances. It’s all on my monthly update, Celtfather Music & Travel, show #281. 0:26 – SHOWS PLANNED FOR JULY JUL 9: Interstellar Ginger Beer & Exploration Co., Alabaster, AL @ […]

Online Firefly Show Scheduled, Plus A New Single

Online Firefly Show Scheduled, Plus A New Single

I launched tickets for the next Celtfather Live show on Monday. This one is Browncoat themed. Every month, I offer a free online concert. It’s called Celtfather Live. I perform for at least an hour straight from my home to yours. I try to theme episodes so that the first 20-30 minutes are songs around […]

Name On My Soul Album is Now Flower of Scotland

Name On My Soul Album is Now Flower of Scotland

It’s finally back – the re-released album ‘Flower of Scotland’ is streaming now! Click here to listen on your music streaming service of choice (apple music, spotify etc.) or buy the digital album. So excited for you to listen to it, and can’t wait to hear your thoughts. Go Go!! Let’s smash this together Marc […]

Less than 24 hours to go…

Less than 24 hours to go…

Tomorrow is the official re-release day of the Kilted Kings CD. Originally, it was called Name On My Soul after my most-requested song on the album. But it will henceforth be known as Flower of Scotland. Why the change? One of my big frustrations when I released this album originally was that my quintessential song, “Name On […]