Ireland Air Travel Tip: Sleep

Are you flying to Europe? I have a very important air travel tip to share with you…sleep!

International travel is brutal. Seven or more hours on an airplane or two or three. There you are cramped into smaller and smaller seats. There’s no easy way rest your head. You’re tired.

Then there’s the distractions. There are shows you can watch. It takes 90 minutes before they serve you food. And drinks. People talk…or snore. Your butt is sore. Your brain is awake.

That’s where I am right now. It sucks. I can’t sleep. And yet, I remember, too late, that I had a chance.

My flight hopped from Atlanta to Charlotte. I was tired. I was hoping to fall asleep on this long flight. So I didn’t fall asleep on the hop. Mistake.

When we land in a few hours, I’m gonna be even more sleep deprived. Why? Because I keep forgetting my own advice.


Take my advice. Sleep as much as you can, whenever you can. You’ll be grateful come tomorrow morn.