Last night’s performance on Concert Window was a tremendous success. There were 37 people who logged on and watched the show. The reviews are fantastic. Thanks to everyone who watched the performance. We even had a viewer at 3am watching the show in Estonia. (thanks Kersta!) Here’s the set list from last night: Nancy Whiskey […]
Tag Archives: Sci Fi Drinking Songs
In Honor of 9 Years as a Musician–Doctor of Gallifrey
It’s hard to believe, but nine-years ago today, I quit my day job at the University of Texas at Austin. I became a full-time musician. I’ve never had to go back. That’s incredible! What’s truly incredible is YOU. Thank you for supporting me all these years. As a thank you, I am pleased to release […]
CG035: Adventures in Asheville
We drove to Asheville, North Carolina for the wedding of our friends. It was not only an awesome wedding but a great family adventure too. We saw a lot of great sites along the way. We even caught some 3rd of July fireworks. Find out all about it in this week’s Celtic Geek at Today’s […]
Marc Gunn’s 2014 CD Checklist
At the last couple o’shows, I had people ask me, “How many CDs do you have?” I never have a good answer for that because I have singles and compilations and recordings under other band names. So for the 2014 album checklist, I decided to simplify it. I removed those two albums that no one […]
Sci Fi Drinking Songs Album Cover and Off to the Printers
I am happy to announce that Sci Fi Drinking Songs is done. I sent it off to the printers this morning. Right now, it is scheduled to arrive by about July 10th. Then I will start mailing CDs to everyone who pre-ordered them starting with those who did so for Scottish Songs of Drinking & Rebellion. […]
CG031: What Is Indie Celtic Music?
After a wonderful CeltFather’s Day, it’s time for your weekly edition of The Celtic Geek. I thought I’d take the time to re-emphasize my goal in promoting indie Celtic music by sharing some thoughts as to what indie Celtic music is. Today’s show is brought to you by Audible. Go to and you’ll get […]
1st Draft of Sci Fi Drinking Songs Is Done
I spent the day working on Sci Fi Drinking Songs. I made a lot of progress. All songs are now mixed and I have I have a rough master completed. Here’s the final track list (though the order may change). Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster Doctor of Gallifrey Bring Me Home, Boys Reavers, Malcolm, Reavers Isn’t It […]

Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster (Lyrics)
“Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster” lyrics by Matt Hughes, Floyd Brigdon, and Marc Gunn, music by Marc Gunn Performed by Marc Gunn From CD: Sci Fi Drinking Songs The Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster It’s the drink I never could master It’s like having your brains smashed out by a lemon, Wrapped ’round a gold brick The Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster Just […]
CG029: Quidditch World Cup
The Kickstarter for Sci Fi Drinking Songs came to astoundingly awesome ending yesterday. I raised over $6000 for the CD which is far more than I hoped. However, it’s actually more like what I need. I have a lot of bills that I incurred this year with server problems. I’m still paying those off. So it looks […]
Sci Fi Drinking Songs June Update
With just 44 hours left until my Kickstarter ends for Sci Fi Drinking Songs, I thought I better make sure I’m nearly done with the album. And lo, I am. I have two tracks that I’m waiting on additional instrumentation and one track that still needs more work (or possibly it gets scraped). The other 12 […]