Top 5 Regrets About DragonCon 2011

I had an amazingly awesome time at DragonCon, but whenever you plan something, it never quite works like you expect it to.  This time, the whole weekend turned out better because my family came out.  Yet, there's still a few things I wish could've happened.

  1. I wish the Bedlam Bards could've made it.  The Firefly Drinking Songs show was a huge hit, but just imagine how awesome it would've been with THE band of the Verse.
  2. I wish I made it to the Exhibitor's Hall or Dealer's Room.  I was so swamped with Gunn Runners or didn't have anyone to man my table when I could've left it, I didn't get to go out and see… anything.  My wife stopped into one of the Exhibitor's Halls and saw some cool stuff.  I got to see nada.  *sigh*
  3. I wish I played more music with Jamie Haeuser.  Originally, we planned to get together and jam a lot more than we did.  But DragonCon is so filled with things to do, Jamie was swamped and I was too.  We just didn't have the time to play music except on Saturday night.  We'll have to remedy that at ALEP 2: There & Back Again.
  4. I wish I got to chat with more musicians.  I had a great time hanging out with Pandora Celtica.  I did get to meet Jonathan Coulton.  But I didn't meet Paul and Storm.  I chatted with Tom Smith for a few minutes, but I barely saw Emerald Rose all weekend.  I talked for a few minutes with the head of Abney Park, but Voltaire was a ghost to me.
  5. I wish I made it to the Walk of Fame.  I like to take my autoharp over there and play music while people wait in line to see their favorite stars.  I didn't get to do that at all this year.

    On the bright side, I was holding Kenzie waiting out in front of the Walk of Fame when Mark Sheppard, aka Badger from Firefly, and Manservant Neville from The Middleman, walked by.  He saw Kenzie smiled and said, “How pretty!” before walking past.  I barely had time to register that it was him before saying, “Hey!” back, as if he and I were best friends.  Fortunately, he didn't hear me.  I was pretty fanboy lameish at that point.

I'm sure there are a ton of other things I didn't get to do this weekend, but there's always next year!

2 comments on “Top 5 Regrets About DragonCon 2011

  1. Never enough time for Dragoncon…they really just need to make it a full damn week!!! 🙂

    Next year I’ll get my schedule together and get out there, and I’ll promise you some table sitting time so you can’get out’ and enjoy yourself abit!!!

  2. argh! maybe as much as YOU wanted to chat with P&S, _I_ wanted you to get time with P&S . There is not enough time at those things! SO MANY parallel tracks at the same time!

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