I had an amazingly awesome time at DragonCon, but whenever you plan something, it never quite works like you expect it to. This time, the whole weekend turned out better because my family came out. Yet, there’s still a few things I wish could’ve happened. I wish the Bedlam Bards could’ve made it. The Firefly […]
Author Archives: Marc Gunn
Sunday and the Rest of DragonCon 2011
As I said, we awoke way too early to attend The Signal Podcast. Not only was I playing music for the show, but I also had a wee part in one of their audio dramas. The pirate accent went over great, especially since my voice was pretty much gone from the night before. A growling […]
Saturday at DragonCon 2011
Saturday at DragonCon began with a mistaken plan. I wanted to go play for the lines, but I forgot that the parade started at 10am. That, combined with the fact that DragonCon’s new registration system was a huge success, meant that I would stay at the table. That’s when I got the call that Gwen […]
Kenzie’s First Steps
I was surprised on Monday when I got home to see Kenzie take a few short steps. I was so busy with DragonCon this weekend that I didn’t realize Gwen was helping her to walk all weekend. Yesterday, she took many, many more steps by herself. When Gwen came home from school, she was thrilled […]
Renaissance Festival Podcast Wins in the Parsec Awards
Once again, I was invited to perform at the Parsec Awards at DragonCon 2011. Playing music was no surprise but when the Renaissance Festival Podcast announced as winner of the 2011 Parsec Awards for Best Music Podcast, I was a bit blown away. I started this podcast back in 2005 to highlight all the great […]
Friday Night at DragonCon
DragonCon was a lot more relaxing for me this year. I’m sure having the family with me made a big difference. Last year, I was a wee bit worried about how I would take care of a family as a musician. I took it easy and had fun this weekend. Some awesome shows helped! Originally, […]
10th Anniversary = Best DragonCon Ever!
I am back from another amazing DragonCon. I must say. It was awesome! There’s a number of reasons for that. I’ll blog about it through the day, as I find time between taking care of Kenzie and unpacking from the weekend. Why was this the best DragonCon ever? Gwen and Kenzie joined me at the […]
Marc Gunn – DragonCon – Atlanta, GA
Newsletter: Gunn Runners, DragonCon, Hobbit CD Update
Greetings Gunn Runners! That’s right! You voted. The winner of the fan club name is… Gunn Runners. Gunn Runners overwhelmingly won 48% of the votes. That easily beat out the other names. Join other Gunn Runners on my fan club page at marcgunn.net. Celtfather Turned Full-Time Daddy There’s nothing like when I open my daughter’s […]
Gunn Runners Profile: Jan and Jim Czenkusch
If there is one person who fits the title of Gunn Runner better than Jan Czenkusch, I’m not sure who they are. Jan along with her husband Jim have traveled around the world with me to Ireland, Scotland, and Italy. They’ve driven to Virginia for a house concert. They’ve gone to Renaissance festivals. They are […]