With the New Year upon us, it’s time to take a look at the field of up-and-coming musicians and bands to see what’s percolating out there… While it can be hard to predict exactly which artists will rise to the top, Marc Gunn and the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast have chosen five that have […]
Category Archives: Articles
Top 10 Celtic Bands of 2022
It’s that time again— Every year Marc Gunn and Irish & Celtic Music Podcast bring you our “top 10” list, and 2022 is no different! We’re excited to share this compilation of excellent Celtic musicians and bands, and we are also looking forward to the new discoveries coming up in 2023. Take a little time […]
Why I’m not a Democrat
I voted for George W. Bush for president in 2000. I voted in nearly every election since then. Nearly all of my candidates were Democrats. But I am not a Democrat. Before Bush, I believed we needed to maintain balance in the government. If we have a Republican for 8 years, I would vote for […]
AI Hypnosis
I was chatting with my friend on a run this morning. I was telling him why I like Mastodon. I get more random interactions. Each time we do a search, Facebook, Google, Apple, and Microsoft get a little better at creating a customer avatar. A customer avatar is your search profile. What is this person […]
How to Support Marc Gunn
Your generosity funds the creation, promotion, and production of my music and my Pub Songs & Stories podcast. Please make a donation using one of these methods: Make a Monthly Donation Patrons in my Gunn Runners Club on Patreon are the backbone of my music. Support Marc Gunn music and the Atlanta Pub Songs & Stories […]
Will You Try Mastodon Out With Me?
If you listen to any of my podcasts, you probably know that I don’t really like social media. It’s a necessary evil. I think a big part of that loathing is the race to the bottom. The worst content goes straight to the top, which means our culture goes straight to the bottom. Most have […]
Why Musicians Should Not Leave Their Online Stores Open
I made a big decision a couple weeks ago. I would close my online store on Friday, November 18, 2022. There will be no Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales. The shop will stay closed until December 1 when I open it up for about a week (TBD). Then it is closed again until 2023. So […]
What are Album Pins (aka Musical Pins)?
Can album pins save the indie music business? What is an Album Pin and Why do you want to own one? The music business is changing. Fewer people want to buy CDs. Vinyl is thriving, but the base cost is too high and too cumbersome to store. Cassettes… seriously? Fortunately, there another brilliant new option–the […]
When CDs Become More Expensive (Sustainable Merch)
I got an email a couple weeks ago. Some said they bought Selcouth on my Kickstarter two years ago. They said they could’ve bought Selcouth cheaper if they had waited. A HAUNTING EMAIL That email haunts me. It raises a lot of interesting questions about value. I guess I’m haunted because it makes me question […]
How to Manage Booking Gigs Using GTD
I started working in the music business about 30 years ago. I’ve done a lot of things in the business. I’ve been a musician, a band manager, and a promoter. Probably my least favorite part of the business is booking agent. Booking never came easy to me. It’s all about organization, contacting people, and most-important […]