Marc Weeklies: Redesigned

There I was planning to finish a CD when I got an email from Blogger saying they are discontinuing all FTP support. That’s dandy, except for the last six years, every one of my websites was moved over to blogger. So things changed. So instead of mixing my CD, I spent the last week redesigning […]

Monahan’s Mudder’s Milk

It all began three years ago when I was introduced to Firefly, a Sci Fi Western by Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. I became a huge fan. The TV series is still one of my most-watched DVDs. One of my favorite episodes is “Jaynestown” where the ruffian Jayne Cobb becomes […]

Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #78

Music from Atlantic Wave, Full Gael, Wicked Tinkers, Kinfolk, Banshee in the Kitchen, The Beggarmen, Brobdingnagian Bards, Hugh Morrison, Anne Roos, Gan Fidel, Three Quarter Ale, Clandestine, Charm City Saints, The Rogues, MacTalla Mor, Bad Haggis, Poitin. Today’s show is brought to you by… Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel the world with the Irish and […]

Marc Weeklies: New CD of Comedy Music Coming Soon

The past couple o’weeks were extremely productive. I was in the studio recording “Kilted For Her Pleasure” for most of it. Yesterday, I recorded, what I hope is, the last song for the album. Now it’s time to do some mixing. “Kilted For Her Pleasure” is probably my first entirely comedy album. It features a […]

#77: Celtic Music Tribute to Robert Burns

Music from Poitin, Con Durham and Maz O’Flaherty, The BeerMats, Aisling, Don Gabbert, The Gas Men, Ed Miller, Rise, Tullamore, StoneRing, The Muses, Icewagon Flu, In Search of a Rose,y Char Butler, MaterDea, Blarney Rebel Band. Today’s show is brought to you by Celtic Invasion Vacations. Travel the world with the Irish and Celtic […]

Marc Weeklies: Focus, Focus, Focus in 2010

I’m sitting in Virginia overlooking a frozen lake catching up on work. Yesterday, I updated my calendar with a bunch of festivals and conventions I currently have booked. It’s nice to see my calendar filling up already. Today, I finally sat down and wrote up my Mission for 2010. The big news is that I […]

Marc Weeklies: Whoops! And Bonne Annee!

Marc is still out of town, and I am a week late in publishing this edition of the “Weeklies!” (Shush – don’t tell him.) I did have a family medical emergency last week – really, I did. But we had a lovely Christmas anyway, and I hope your holiday celebration was just as wonderful. Some […]