I’m off to Scotland on Wednesday. Excited but so much to do. I’m excited to bring back a whole bunch of pictures and videos from the trip. UPCOMING SHOWS JUN 24-25: Magic City Con, Birmingham, AL JUN 25: Pepper Place Farmer’s Market, Birmingham, AL @ 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM CT JUL 1-4: InConjunction, Indianapolis, […]
Category Archives: News
The latest news, information, and Weeklies about Marc Gunn.

Marc’s Musings: Your Audio-Visual Trip to Scotland
I have just one more show until my Celtic Invasion Vacations begins. I’m performing at The Lost Druid this Saturday, May 28. Then it is off to Scotland! Here is some of what I plan to release while I’m overseas: Short blog and photo every other day posted on my website, Instagram and on Facebook At […]

Celtfather Monthly: May 2022
It might be the season end of Coffee and Pub Songs, but I have a LOT planned for the coming month. There’s a couple new songs, new album pins, and a couple new videos to share. Read more about it below. PROMO TIP OF THE MONTH Post a comment and respond to others comments. Social […]

Marc’s Musings: New Single, Kickstarter, and off on a Wheel of Time Adventure
I love spring. The cool, yet warming weather. I love the glorious flowers and budding trees. But boy do I hate the allergies! I had a great time in Texas, but it’s taken all week for my voice to mostly return from the trip. What a great trip. I should share pictures of my shows at […]

Coffee with The Celtfather Moves to Patreon
I have a live streaming concert every Wednesday at 11 AM Eastern called Coffee with The Celtfather. This is where I practice some of the huge collection of songs I know. The show’s been publicly available for 10 seasons. However, it’s time for a change. I started the show on Facebook. I hoped their algorithm […]

Pub Stories Is Changing… Again?
Another big change is coming to the Pub Songs & Stories. First, I love the new format. I was still fine tuning it. Here’s what I love about it. I love that it has manageable seasons. I love that I share one of my stories. I love that I also share a story from a […]

Celtfather Monthly: April 2022
There’s a new Kickstarter coming. Find out how the new Lapel Pins are going. Watch out for some big Coffee with The Celtfather changes. I have a lot of things in the works. I’ll keep you up-to-date on Patreon and in my blog. NEW KICKSTARTER COMING I’m planning my next Kickstarter. It will be for an […]

Birthday Celebrations & New Music
Last week, I celebrated my 50th birthday. We went up to Chattanooga over the weekend. We ate amazing food and visited a local brewery. We even did a little bit of hiking. That was despite the fact that I was on crutches at the start of the trip. I twisted my ankle while running earlier […]

St Patrick’s Day Postcard and 2022 Resources
Happy St Patrick’s Day It was a crazy weekend. I had a couple shows, a parade, plus family activities planned. Everything was turned upside down because of the weather. It was COLD! On Saturday morning, Inara and I went to Peachtree St in Midtown Atlanta for the St Patrick’s Day parade. Inara was to dance […]

Atlanta St Patrick’s Day Events 2022
Happy Celtic Month! I have a lot going on for St Patrick’s Day. So instead of a long bunch o’stories, I’m just gonna highlight the big events that you might want to be a part of. TODAY: St Patrick’s Day Coffee with The Celtfather on YouTube @ 11 AM EST THU, MAR 10: St Patrick’s Day […]