CD Baby Now Offers MP3 Downloads of My Music for Sale

As if CD Baby wasn’t cool enough, it now offers MP3 downloads. You can download entire albums at 200 kbps variable bit rate MP3s with absolutely No DRM! Dang! I love CD Baby. They have totally revolutionized the independent music business. So hurry up and be the first to buy MP3s from the new store. […]

TV & Movies CD

I know I should be sleeping already, and I will in a moment. But I went through the songs to see what would be best and easiest to get out in time for Halloween. And I came up with a five song EP featuring: A Rabbit for Halloween (Bugs Bunny and Witch Hazel song) Return […]

Bye, Bye! (for now) You Scwewy Wabbit!

So I had a couple others listen to A Tribute to Love, and one of them convinced me, yes, “A Rabbit for Halloween” really doesn’t belong on this CD. I think I was keeping it on there because I REALLY wanted to release it this year before Halloween. But it doesn’t fit the mood of […]

ONCE Movie and Music

Did I mention Once at all? Once is a new indie film that’s earned a lot of awards, and for good reason. Fantastic film. I need to see it again. And the music… WOW! Beautiful. And it turns out Once is on Myspace. Made in Ireland too. So if you like great music and you […]

Celtic Wedding Musicians

A while back I compiled a website for people interested in Celtic Weddings. The site continues to grow, but I haven’t had any new Celtic wedding musicians swap links with me recently. So if you perform at Celtic weddings, make sure you submit yourself and swap links with me. Slainte!

Now Accepting Pre-Orders for “A Tribute to Love”

I believe in love. It’s an essential part of human existence. There are so many great aspects to it, and not all of them are romantic: love, love lost, marriage, infatuation, longing, lust, frustration, love for animals, places, and things. It is not all cut and dry. There is no perfection, except perhaps in accepting […]

Bardic Retreat

I was reading about a musician who leads “Great Big Dream Retreats”. She and 20 women go off to a solitary place in the mountains to meditate and educate people on how to achieve their dreams. After the whole Ireland Tour, I’ve been anxious to do MORE stuff like that. I’ve thrown around ideas of […]

Marc’s Musings – Saffron Wins Best Filk Song

MARC’S MUSINGS — August 22, 2007 – Marc’s Music News– Marc Gunn Live! – Demand Me– Saffron Wins Best Filk Song– New Celtic Cat Wooden Mugs Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, go to the end of this newsletter. Marc’s Musings Greetings, I mae a lot of updates to my websites recently. […]

Ingrid Houwers Shop Opens

Ingrid Houwers announced the opening of her new webstore. The site features art, jewelry, bodices, and much much more. Ingrid designed the CD cover to Brobdingnagian Fairy Tales and also Marc’s solo CD Irish Drinking Songs for Cat Lovers. So, are you looking for nice Celtic jewellery that is unlike the ‘mass market’ products? Looking […]