Celtic Music Magazine: Muirsheen Durkin!

Celtic Music Magazine: Muirsheen Durkin!

Here are several ways to celebrate Celtic culture through music. The McDades, Jen Midkiff, The Irish Rovers, McKasson & McDonald, Celtic Rain, Alexander James Adams, Steel Clover, Catherine Koehler, Ciúnas, Achill Crossing, Battlelegs, The Flailing Shilaleighs, Hugh Morrison, Onde, Songs For Ceilidh Listen to Muirsheen Durkin! CAST YOUR VOTE IN THE CELTIC TOP 20 Every […]

What a Great Dragon Con 2021!

Dragon Con is an interesting creature. I’ve performed their for 19 years. It’s huge. It’s overwhelming. And I absolutely love it. But this year, I was concerned. It’s a pandemic year. The Delta variant of Covid-19 is still on the rise. Far too many people are still unvaccinated. As crazy as it sounds, many people […]

Celtfather Monthly: Firefly Drinking Songs, The TV Show (August 2021)

Could a Firefly Drinking Songs TV show be on its way? What’s different with Coffee with The Celtfather. How close am I to completing my next CD? It’s all on my monthly update, Celtfather Music & Travel, show #284. 0:13 – SHOWS PLANNED FOR JULY SEP 2-6: Dragon Con, Atlanta, GA SEP 9: Virginia Highlands Farmer’s […]

Dragon Con 2021 Is A Go!

Dragon Con 2021 Is A Go!

Dragon Con is just under a week away. I feel like I have barely mentioned a thing about it. That’s odd considering this is one of my routinely biggest shows of the year. There are lots of reason for this. First, let me say I am excited. Yes, apprehensive too. But super excited. The virtual […]

Marc’s Musings: Don’t Mean to BUG You

Marc’s Musings: Don’t Mean to BUG You

“I sure hope it doesn’t look I’m being completely annoyed by all the bugs.” That’s what I was thinking for this week’s Coffee with The Celtfather. I have worked from home since 2005. One of the highlights of doing so is that I can get out of the house every now and then. The problem […]

Marc’s Musings: The Selkie Life

Marc’s Musings: The Selkie Life

One of the things I love about Ireland and Scotland is the proximity to water. I love the ocean. I love swimming, diving, the sound of the crashing waves, the feel of the water. I love seafood. I love boats, the beach, and exploring tide pools. But I also love the stories. Enter this week’s […]

Farewell Classic Song Henge

Farewell Classic Song Henge

In 2006, I started Song Henge as a way to pay the bills of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. That service comes to an official end in December. This is a brief history of Song Henge. You could join Song Henge for $12-60 per year. Every month, I sent an email newsletter. In it […]

Coffee with The Celtfather Returns with Season 9

Coffee with The Celtfather Returns with Season 9

Tomorrow is the big day. Coffee with the Celtfather. Season 9. Okay that sounds a bit more dramatic than it is. I started the show in 2017. Instead of the TV definition of seasons, I’m sensibly calling a “season” either Spring or Fall. Nevertheless, this is the 9th season. I’m getting better at doing these […]

Two Albums to Wrap Up This First Week of August

I have a busy week ahead. I made a decision that Friday is my deadline for three recording projects. That doesn’t even include the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast that’s coming. First up is Selcouth. I’m already 9 months behind on releasing this album. So it’s time wrap it up. I have PLENTY of songs […]