Scottish Coffee with The Celtfather

Scottish Coffee with The Celtfather

Coffee with The Celtfather launches its 3rd season in January. Watch the show every Wednesday at 11 am CST on YouTube. I want to do a big launch this year. I’m just one small musician. I can’t put a ton of money behind the launch. But I can share my time. The first show will […]

How to Vote in the Celtic Top 20 in 2019

You listen to an episode of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. You hear a song or tune you love. “That’s awesome!,” you say. So you vote in our poll. At the end of the year, I compile your favorites. This is the Celtic Top 20. It’s not easy voting in the Celtic Top 20. […]

Marc Gunn’s Top Celtic Bands of 2018

Marc Gunn’s Top Celtic Bands of 2018

The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast shares the popular Celtic bands and artists of 2018. The final episode of the podcast for 2018 comes out in a couple weeks. That’s when I will share YOUR absolute favorite Celtic songs and tunes of the year. But for now, I’m gonna share mine. Sometimes I get excited. […]

A Podcast Gets the Axe

A Podcast Gets the Axe

I want to cut back on one of my podcasts. I’m having trouble deciding which. After chatting with a Gunn Runner, I might be a little closer to figuring it out. The two podcasts in question are the Pub Songs Podcast and Celtfather Music & Travel. The Pub Songs Podcast is the third podcast I […]

Filling a Venue

You would think as a student of marketing, I would be good at reaching people. But I’m not. One of the big reasons I haven’t toured much is because I can’t reach my people to fill a venue. If you can’t pull in a decent crowd, you’re not gonna get booked. Yesterday, someone posted on […]

Geek-Friendly Celtic Home in Birmingham

Geek-Friendly Celtic Home in Birmingham

Brennan’s Irish Pub is probably the friendliest Irish pub you’ll ever go to. The proprietor, Danny Winter, is dedicated to building a family-friendly Celtic home in the heart of Birmingham. The best thing about Brennan’s is not just the large stage where an Irish session gathers every month. It’s not the wide open room or […]

Firefly and Christmas Music

Firefly and Christmas Music

Firefly and Christmas music…on tour!!! I don’t go on tour often. In fact, I’ve only been on three official “tours” during my 20+ years as a musician. The first two were short tours with the Brobdingnagian Bards. The third was a solo tour up to New York City from New Orleans. I confess I don’t […]

St Patrick’s Day 2018 with The Celtfather

St Patrick’s Day 2018 with The Celtfather

St Patrick’s Day is a big time of year for me. It’s not just live performances either since Paddy’s Day is on a Saturday. It’s EVERYTHING from live shows to podcasts to videos and more. I have a LOT going on. So I’m gonna break it all down right here, so you can more easily […]

I Want Your Cat Videos

I picked a date for the Kickstarter release, March 26. No. We did not meet any goals last year. I decided to move forward nonetheless. I scripted the video that will promote the Kickstarter. Since the beginning, I referred to “Adopting Cat CDs”. So this video will be like a cat adoption video. I would […]

Christmas with The Celtfather

Christmas with The Celtfather

I really wish I was more consistent with… well, anything. Alas, that’s not me. I bounce around from one thing to the next and try to maintain some consistency. At least I now have a weekly schedule for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. I also have a monthly schedule for for Celtfather Music & […]