I had an amazingly awesome time at DragonCon, but whenever you plan something, it never quite works like you expect it to. This time, the whole weekend turned out better because my family came out. Yet, there’s still a few things I wish could’ve happened. I wish the Bedlam Bards could’ve made it. The Firefly […]
Tag Archives: Pandora Celtica
Saturday at DragonCon 2011
Saturday at DragonCon began with a mistaken plan. I wanted to go play for the lines, but I forgot that the parade started at 10am. That, combined with the fact that DragonCon’s new registration system was a huge success, meant that I would stay at the table. That’s when I got the call that Gwen […]
Newsletter: Gunn Runners, DragonCon, Hobbit CD Update
Greetings Gunn Runners! That’s right! You voted. The winner of the fan club name is… Gunn Runners. Gunn Runners overwhelmingly won 48% of the votes. That easily beat out the other names. Join other Gunn Runners on my fan club page at marcgunn.net. Celtfather Turned Full-Time Daddy There’s nothing like when I open my daughter’s […]
DragonCon Filk Track Schedule
The entire schedule for the DragonCon Filk track is now posted online. You can check it out on their website. This is what is currently listed. Time Title Room Length FRIDAY, September 2, 2011 1:30pm ET Early meet and greet Other Baker (Hyatt – 138) 1 hour 2:30pm ET Panel discussion: What is Filk? Other […]
Blissful St. Patrick’s Day on Sale
Just a few more days until I head back to Austin for my Things Celtic benefit and gig at Sherwood Forest Faire. And since folks keep asking… No. Kenzie and Gwen will not be coming with. It’s a wee bit too soon after surgery for Kenzie. That said, Kenzie is doing great. She’s healed up […]

Pub Songs #78: Best Celtic Folk Bands of 2010
Thus begins a series of episodes highlighting some of the best Celtic music online. Today’s show is about Celtic Folk Bands which I describe as acoustic Celtic music groups based in the folk tradition. These are the groups that stand out most for me. I’d love to hear your thoughts and band suggestions. Coming soon: […]
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Top Celtic Folk Bands
I came across an article online called the Top Celtic Folk/Rock bands. To me the article was a wee bit blurred. It focuses on Celtic Rock bands, but then casually throws in The Dubliners and The Chieftains. Kinda weird, but it works him. So that’s fine to me. I mention it because, I finished my […]
St. Patrick’s Day Podcast #3 – Four Months to St. Patrick’s Day
Music from Kennedy’s Kitchem, Jimi McRae, Marc Gunn, The Langer’s Ball, Bedlam Bards, Pitch the Peat, Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer, Pandora Celtica, Rathkeltair, FIMM, Hugh Morrison, Heather Dale, MacTalla Mor, Heather Alexander. www.stpatricksdayparty.net Sponsor: Celtic Invasion Vacations Travel to the world with your Celtic musician and podcast host, Marc Gunn, See the magic of […]
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