Marc Weeklies: Happiness Is Faire

I had another fantastic weekend at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. Every day is better than the last. Part of it is the stage show. For a long time, I’ve wanted to try and write my own stage show for a faire. I didn’t know how. I finally decided on a Celtic Sing-Along. The show is […]

Marc Gunn on eBay

I posted some more stuff on eBay. Even if you’re not interested in owning any of my stuff, go read the Brown Belt story. It was a sadly amusing experience. Originally published at Marc Gunn .com. Read. Interact. Breathe. It’s easy; it’s free.

President-Elect Barack Obama

Months back, I wrote why I would vote for Obama for president of the United States of America. I believe in him. He represents strength and courage for the American people to move forward. I am thrilled with the result. I have never been so proud of my country as I am tonight. God Bless […]

Marc Weeklies: Tea in Louisiana

There’s something quite quaint about tea time. Today, I was invited to tea time in Covington, Louisiana. There’s a little tea house there, very cute. A group of us sat and drink our choice of teas, then walked among the shops. While this is probably an oddity in my new life, it was a neat […]

Fear in an Election Year… No Surprise There

Just saw this HI-larious post about the imminent Obama “regime”. It’s a laugh… unless you believe it. Last night, I watched a Daily Show feature from last week. It was eye-opening. The conclusion was that the campaign trail is run by fear. Sad, stupid, and true. Not just Republicans, who are labeling Obama as a […]

Weekend One of Louisisana Renaissance Festival Ends

Boy am I tired, but I feel great. I had an amazing weekend at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. A couple days before the faire, I finally got a stage show confirmed. I am playing weekend mornings at 10:45 am on the Queen’s Stage. It’s a Celtic Sing-Along. So bring your voice nice and warmed up… […]

Marc Weeklies: Now It’s Time to Go

I had a great time visiting the Texas Renaissance Festival and catching up with friends. I wandered all over that faire and played a few songs in the process, filled with a flood of wonderful memories performing there. I look forward to seeing it again, but not this year. To quote my song, now it’s […]

Best Friends

The packing for my move to New Orleans led me to my closet last night. There I found a box of old photos spilled out on the floor from the cats climbing on the shelves. Among the pile was a picture of Andrew McKee with our group of Moore-Hill Players (an acting troupe from the […]