Have you bought a copy of Selcouth yet? There are several options in my store: Get the digital album on Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon Music or wherever you buy music. Buy a physical CD. This is like the ultimate musician’s horcrux. You’ll get a digital copy as well. Buy the Stories & Songbook. This is a […]
Category Archives: Newsletter
Best Irish & Celtic Music of 2022
There’s a new podcast online today. I’ll tell you more about it in a moment, after I share a postcard from Ballincollig Castle in County Cork, Ireland. There are just two more weeks until the CD Release of Selcouth. I can’t wait. I’m Really proud of the new CD. It has, like, all of my […]
Postcard: San Francisco Bay, New Single!
It feels like the holidays just ended yesterday. The girls were in virtual school last week. Everyone was home. I was like the class monitor. Today, the girls went back to school. I’m alone in my empty house at last. Over the holidays, we visited family in California. It was a great visit despite cold […]
Postcard: Mont Saint-Michel
The thing I remember most about Mont Saint-Michel was the steps. There are a LOT of them. Wear good shoes if you ever go. That said, Mont Saint-Michel left a lasting impression on me. I remember the spectacular views, people walking on the sand during low tide, and the many interesting shops. I wish I […]
Many, Many, Kind Thanks
Thank you, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This past week was crazy. My wife and I had our first child-free weekend celebrating her birthday. It was an almost perfect vacation. I’ll talk more about on it on Celtfather Music & Travel podcast next week. Thankfully, we are home with our girls. We had […]
Marc’s Musings: What A USELESS Degree!
I studied cultural geography in college. Well… to be honest, I fell into cultural geography. I bounced around a dozen different degrees and settled on that one. Cultural geography sounds (to me) like a useless degree. What’s funny is that I actually USE my degree. I travel. I interact with different cultures. I was at […]
Postcard from Stone Mountain
I run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My running partner, Dan, suggested a different running path today…. straight up Stone Mountain. So after the kids got on the bus to school, we drove over to the park for our morning run. It was cold and windy from the start, 45 degrees. I wore a jacket, […]
Marc’s Musings: Connecting at Cons
With those giant conventions like Dragon Con and Gen Con, I forget how amazing small science fiction conventions are. I had such a great weekend at Multiverse this weekend here in Atlanta. No, I don’t have huge audiences or make killer sales. But it was much more personal than I usually experience at the big […]
Marc’s Musings: Facebook Is Down… Thanks!
Facebook went down today. As of this writing, it’s still not back up. So let me start by saying, THANK YOU for subscribing to my mailing list, reading my blog, and listening to my podcasts! I learned the hard way that you can’t count on third-party systems for your business. My first Renaissance faire closed […]
Marc’s Musings: A Hobbit, 2 Magicians, & a Werewolf
A hobbit, two magicians, and a werewolf walk into a pub… Okay. I’m bad at jokes. So you’ll have to make up and tell me the punch line. But I do have a lot to tell you about that’s happening this week. Let’s start with the hobbits. HOBBIT DRINKING SONGS TICKETS ON SALE The next […]