Marc Weeklies: Cat Hair for Christmas

I’m back in Texas relaxing for the holidays. I have no internet access where I am staying. So instead, I am making ventures out to Starbucks and other places to stay on top of my web stuff. It’s been really good for me. My hand has had very little computer use so it is starting […]

Marc’s Musings: Home for the Holidays

MARC’S MUSINGS — December 17, 2008 – Marc’s Music News– Heading Home for the Holidays!– Celtic Christmas Music Published 1-4 times per month. To manage your subscription, go to the end of this newsletter. Visit My Store Now! Marc’s Musings Greetings Amici, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! I am getting ready to fly back home […]

Marc Weeklies: Happy Holiday!

Yay! I finally found my new home in the Lower Garden District of New Orleans. It’s a lovely one bedroom. That means once I get back from Christmas vacation, I can get back to the routine of work, recording, and finding gigs for next year. I’m way behind. But at least I have a cool […]

Marc Weeklies: Celtic Christmas Season Begins

The sun set over the lake at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival, and the fireworks kicked off on Sunday marking the end to another season of faire. I was sad. It was such a fantastic season. I didn’t want it to end. But that is the way of faire, isn’t it? It comes and goes until […]

Marc Weeklies: A Toast to Opportunity

Just one more week of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. I’m not ready for it to end. I’ve had such a wonderful season here. However, I am kinda ready to find my new home and settle in it so I can start recording again. Plus, I want a good place to work so I don’t continue […]

Marc Weeklies: Moving in the Right Direction

The fourth week of the Louisiana Renaissance Festival came to an end, and I realized I missed last week’s Weeklies. That’s because I flew back to Austin to collect the last of the stuff from my apartment. All is now moved to Louisiana. Now I just need to find an apartment in New Orleans, and […]

Marc Weeklies: Happiness Is Faire

I had another fantastic weekend at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival. Every day is better than the last. Part of it is the stage show. For a long time, I’ve wanted to try and write my own stage show for a faire. I didn’t know how. I finally decided on a Celtic Sing-Along. The show is […]

Marc Weeklies: Tea in Louisiana

There’s something quite quaint about tea time. Today, I was invited to tea time in Covington, Louisiana. There’s a little tea house there, very cute. A group of us sat and drink our choice of teas, then walked among the shops. While this is probably an oddity in my new life, it was a neat […]

Marc Weeklies: Now It’s Time to Go

I had a great time visiting the Texas Renaissance Festival and catching up with friends. I wandered all over that faire and played a few songs in the process, filled with a flood of wonderful memories performing there. I look forward to seeing it again, but not this year. To quote my song, now it’s […]